Elise Bailly receives the C'Nano Thesis prize in Fundamental Research
Congratulations to our former PhD student Elise Bailly, who was awarded the C'Nano Thesis prize in Fundamental Research, for her...
Congratulations to our former PhD student Elise Bailly, who was awarded the C'Nano Thesis prize in Fundamental Research, for her...
Our two students of the Nanophotonics team Elise Bailly and Aurelian Loirette--Pelous both defended their thesis on May 30th and...
Le projet est porté par Jean-Jacques Greffet, professeur au Laboratoire Charles Fabry dans le groupe Nanophotonique.
Our last paper on spontaneous emission control using 2D metasurfaces is out. This is Elise Bailly's last paper on her...
La remise du prix a eu lieu à la Sorbonne le 6 décembre.
Our last paper on thermal emission control using incandescent metasurfaces is out in Optica. This is part of Anne Nguyen's...
Anne NGUYEN, doctorante dans le groupe Nanophotonique du Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l'Institut d'Optique Graduate School, est lauréate du...
Découvrez la publication de l'équipe de Plasmonique et Nanophotonique Quantique sur le travail de notre doctorante Elise Bailly !
Découvrez la publication de l'équipe de Plasmonique et Nanophotonique Quantique portée par notre doctorante Elise Bailly !
Notre doctorant Hector Monin a soutenu sa thèse le lundi 9 novembre 2020 à 14h à l'Institut d'Optique.
Notre ami et collègue Anton Ovcharenko a soutenu avec succès sa thèse le 20 décembre 2019, sous la direction de...
Take a look at our recent paper published in Nature Comms, on the work carried out by our fellow postdoc...
Our former PhD student and now alumnus Léo Wojszvzyk succesfully defended his thesis on December 6th 2019 !
The Nanophotonics goup welcomes Élise BAILLY in the Plasmonics and Quantum Nanophotonics team, now member since October 1st 2019 !
The Nanophotonics goup welcomes Aurélian LOIRETTE--PELOUS in the Plasmonics and Quantum Nanophotonics team, now. member since October 1st 2019...
Our new paper entitled "Strong Coupling of Nanoplatelets and Surface Plasmons on a Gold Surface" has been published in...