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Séminaire de Tiancai Zhang, Shanxi University, Chine

  • Séminaire (général)
  • Evénement scientifique

Séminaire de Tiancai Zhang, State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices, Shanxi University, Chine, le jeudi 26 octobre 2023 à 11h00 dans l'Auditorium de l'Institut d'Optique Graduate School à Palaiseau, sur le thème : "Strong coupling between multiple atoms and photons in high-finesse optical miniature cavity".

Résumé : "Neutral atoms and its interaction with photons play an important role to demonstrate quantum control and the related quantum technology. Manipulation of cold atoms and its strong coupling with optical cavity provide a nice experimental platform to study the decoherence and various quantum effects. In this talk I will share some recent experimental progresses in single atom and atom array manipulation, either in an optical microtrap,or in a high-finesse miniature cavity, including coherence control of single atom, optical nonreciprocity on single photon level, multi-photon Rabi oscillations and strong coupling between atom arrays and optical cavity."

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