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Plasmonics and Quantum Nanophotonics

Welcome !

We are the Plasmonics and Quantum Nanophotonics team !

The activities of the team are under the supervision of Pr. Jean-Jacques GREFFET, Full Professor, and Dr. Benjamin VEST, Associate Professor of Optics and Photonics at Institut d'Optique Graduate School.

We are always interested by outstanding, highly-motivated candidates, driven by the passion for light sciences and willing to join a young and dynamic research team !

If you want to apply for a PhD program or a postdoc position, you are encouraged to look at the "Prospective Group Members" page and to contact us.


Next to l'Institut d'Optique, 27 juin 2024: Pr. Jean-Jacques Greffet, Elise Bailly (PhD 2023), Jérémie Rioufreyt, Simon Landrieux (PhD 2027), Maxime Barreau (PhD 2027), Anne NGuyen (PhD 2022), Aurelian Loirette--Pelous (PhD 2023), Elham Fakhrzadeh (PhD 2026), Florian Herz (Postdoc 2024) Dr. Benjamin Vest.

The Quantum Plasmonics and Nanophotonics team is engaged in research focused on the understanding and the control of spontaneous emission of light by a range of objects, from assemblies of emitters to single quantum emitters. We consider spontaneous emission as a general process that can take a number of forms, such as photoluminescence, thermal emission or electroluminescence, that all represent different research topics of our group. We work both on theory and on experimental aspects.

About our team...


Introduction to nanophotonics

by H. Bénisty, JJ Greffet and Ph. Lalanne

  • Covers the basics of mathematics and physics of the subject, ensuring accessibility to a diverse readership
  • Based on material from several lectures given by the authors at the Institut d'Optique Graduate School
  • Contains 146 exercises to reinforce understanding and encourage further discussion

Click in the link HERE for a 30% disount !

Spring 2023 (Aurelian's PhD Defense)



Fall 2022

A la Kfet de l'Institut d'Optique, 4 octobre 2022: Matthieu Greffet, Aurelian Loirette--Pelous (PhD 2023), Pr. Jean-Jacques Greffet, Elise Bailly (PhD 2022), Nikos Fayard (Post-doc)

Summer 2021


Plasmonics ans quantum Nanophotonics - July 20th 2021
From left to right: Elise Bailly (PhD 2022)- Pr. Jean-Jacques Greffet - - Aurelian Loirette--Pelous (PhD 2022) - Victor TURPAUD (Intern ARTEQ) -  Alexis GIROT (Intern ENS) - Anne NGuyen (PhD 2022) - Dr. Benjamin Vest, Associate Professor

Summer 2019

Plasmonique et Nanophotonique Quantique - 5 juillet 2019
Quantum Plasmonics and Nanophotonics-  July 5th 2019
From left to right : Léo Wojszvzyk (PhD 2019) - Pr. Jean-Jacques Greffet - Anne NGuyen (PhD 2022) - Dr. Cheng Zhang (PhD 2019 - Postdoc) - Valentin MAGRO (Intern 1A 2019) - Elise Bailly (PhD 2022) - Ahmad Matar ABED (Intern NSF REU 2019) - Hector MONIN (PhD 2020) - Dr. Benjamin Vest, Assistant Professor

Summer Clean Up Day 2020

With Cheng Zhang (PhD 2019-PostDoc 2020), Hector Monin (PhD 2020), Anne Nguyen (PhD 2022), Benjamin Vest (Associate Professor), Elise Bailly (PhD 2022), Aurelian Loirette--Pelous (PhD 2022)


Spring 2021


With Hector Monin (PhD 2020), Riccardo Messina (Thermoplasmponics team  - CNRS) Aurelian Loirette--Pelous (PhD 2022), Victor Turpaud (ARTeQ Intern - 2021), Anne Nguyen (PhD 2022), Elise Bailly (PhD 2022),

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