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Thomas Bourdel

Thomas Bourdel


Chargé de recherche CNRS


Quantum gases with variable interaction, disorder (webpage)

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+33 1 64 53 33 35 (Office), +33 1 64 53 33 62 (Lab), +33 1 64 53 33 18 (Fax.)

Groupe d'Optique Atomique, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d'Optique

2 av. Augustin Fesnel, Campus Polytechnique, RD 128, F91127 Palaiseau cedex

  1. R. Eid, A. Hammond, L. Lavoine, T. Bourdel Ultracold-atom quantum tunneling through single and double optical barriers, accepted in PRA
  2. A. Hammond, L. Lavoine, T. Bourdel, Tunable 3-body interactions in coherently driven two-component Bose-Einstein condensate, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 083401 (2022).
  3. L. Lavoine, A. Hammond, A. Recati, D.S. Petrov, T. Bourdel, Beyond-mean-field effects in Rabi-coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensate, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 203402 (2021).
  4. L. Lavoine, T. Bourdel, 1D to 3D beyond-mean-field dimensional crossover in mixture quantum droplets, Phys. Rev. A 103, 033312 (2021).
  5. G. Berthet, L. Lavoine, M. Parit, A. Brolis, A. Boissé, T. Bourdel, Observation of the algebraic localization-delocalization transition in a 1D disordered potential with a bias forcearXiv:1908.01511, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013386 (2020).
  6. A. Tenart, C. Carcy, H. Cayla, T. Bourdel, M. Mancini, D. Clément, Two-body collisions in the time-of-flight dynamics of lattice Bose superfluidsarXiv:1909.13648Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013017 (2020).
  7. L. Fouché, A. Boissé, G. Berthet, S. Lepoutre, A. Simoni, and T. Bourdel, Quantitative analysis of losses close to a d-wave open-channel Feshbach resonance in 39K, Phys. Rev. A 99, 022701 (2019).
  8. A. Boissé, G. Berthet, L. Fouché, G. Salomon, A. Aspect, S. Lepoutre, T. Bourdel, Non-linear scattering of atomic bright solitons in disorderEPL, 117 10007 (2017).
  9.  S. Lepoutre, L. Fouché, A. Boissé, G. Berthet, G. Salomon, A. Aspect, and T. Bourdel, Production of strongly bound 39K bright solitons, PRA 94, 053626 (2016).
  10.  G. Salomon, L. Fouché, S. Lepoutre, A. Aspect, and T. Bourdel, All-optical cooling of 39K to Bose-Einstein condensationPRA 90, 033405 (2014).
  11.  G. Salomon, L. Fouché, P. Wang, A. Aspect, P. Bouyer, T. Bourdel, Gray molasses cooling of 39K to a high phase space densityEPL 104, 63002 (2014).
  12.  T. Bourdel, Phase diagrams of 2D and 3D disordered Boses gases in the local density approxiamtion, Phys. Rev. A, 86, 063626 (2012).
  13.  T. Plisson, T. Bourdel, C.A. Müller, Momentum isotropisation in random potentialEur. Phys. J. Special Topics 217, 79 (2013).
  14.  B. Allard, T. Plisson, M. Holzmann, G. Salomon, A. Aspect, P. Bouyer, T. Bourdel, Effect of disorder close to the superfluid phase transition in a two-dimensional Bose gasPhys. Rev. A 85, 033602 (2012).
  15.  T. Plisson, B. Allard, M. Holzmann, G. Salomon, A. Aspect, P. Bouyer, T. Bourdel, Coherence properties of a 2D trapped Bose gas around the superfluid transitionPhys. Rev. A 84, 061606(R) (2011).
  16.  T. Bourdel, M. Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, J.-P. Brantut, Ch. J. Borde, A. Aspect, P. Bouyer, Classical and quantum trampoline for ultra-cold atoms, in Quantum phenomena in gravitational fieldComptes Rendus Physique 12, 779 ( 2011).
  17.  L. Pezze, M. Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, T. Bourdel, J.-P. Brantut, B. Allard, T. Plisson, A. Aspect, P. Bouyer, L. Sanchez-Palencia, Regimes of classical transport of cold gases in a two-dimensional anisotropic disorder, New Journal of Physics 13, 095015 (2011).
  18.  M. Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, J.-P. Brantut, B. Allard, T. Plisson, L. Pezzé, L. Sanchez-Palencia, A. Aspect, T. Bourdel, P. Bouyer
    Anisotropic 2D diffusive expansion of ultra-cold atoms in a disordered potential 
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 220602 (2010).
  19.  G. Stern, B. Allard, M. Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, J.-P. Brantut, B. Battelier, T. Bourdel, P. Bouyer
    A frequency doubled 1534 nm laser system for potassium laser cooling 
    applied optics 49, 1 (2010).
  20.  M. Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, J.-P. Brantut, Ch.J. Bordé, A. Aspect, T. Bourdel and P. Bouyer
    A quantum trampoline for ultra-cold atoms 
    EPL 89, 10002 (2010).
  21.  J.-F. Clément, J.-P. Brantut, M. Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, R. A. Nyman, A. Aspect, T. Bourdel, and P. Bouyer
    All-optical runaway evaporation to Bose-Einstein condensation 
    Phys. Rev. A 79, 061406 (R) (2009).
  22.  J. P. Brantut, J. F. Clément, M. Robert de Saint Vincent, G. Varoquaux, R.A. Nyman, A. Aspect, T. Bourdel, and P. Bouyer
    Tomography in an optical-dipole trap for neutral atoms 
    Phys. Rev. A 78, 031401 (2008).
  23.  F. Brennecke, T. Donner, S. Ritter, T. Bourdel, M. Köhl, T. Esslinger:
    Cavity QED with a Bose-Einstein condensate 
    Nature 450, 268 (2007).
  24.  T. Donner, S. Ritter, T. Bourdel, A. Öttl, M. Köhl, T. Esslinger:
    Critical Behavior of a Trapped Interacting Bose Gas 
    Science 315, 1556 (2007).
  25.  S. Ritter, A. Öttl, T. Donner, T. Bourdel, M. Köhl, T. Esslinger:
    Observing the Formation of Long-Range Order during Bose-Einstein Condensation
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 090402 (2007).
  26.  M. Köhl, A. Öttl, S. Ritter, T. Donner, T. Bourdel, T. Esslinger:
    Time interval distributions of atoms in atomic beams
    Appl. Phys. B (2006).
  27.  T. Bourdel, T. Donner, S. Ritter, A. Öttl, M. Köhl, T. Esslinger
    Cavity QED Detection of Interfering Matter Waves 
    Phys. Rev. A 73, 043602 (2005).
  28.  F.Chevy, E.G.M.Van Kempen, T.Bourdel, J.Zhang, L.Khaykovich, M.Teichmann, L.Tarruell, S.Kokkelmans, and C.Salomon
    Resonant scattering properties close to a p-wave Feshbach resonance
    Phys. Rev. A 71, 062710 (2005).
  29.  J.Zhang, E.G.M.Van Kempen, T.Bourdel, L.Khaykovich, J.Cubizolles, F.Chevy, M.Teichmann, L.Tarruell, S.Kokkelmans, and C.Salomon
    p-wave Feshbach resonances of ultra-cold 6Li
    Phys. Rev. A 70, 030702(R)(2004).
  30.  T.Bourdel, L.Khaykovich, J.Cubizolles, F.Chevy, M.Teichmann, L.Tarruell, S.Kokkelmans, and C.Salomon
    Study of the BEC-BCS Crossover Region in Lithium 6
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 050401 (2004).
  31.  L.Carr, T.Bourdel, Y.Castin
    Limits of sympathetic cooling of fermions by zero-temperature bosons due to particle losses
    Phys. Rev. A 69, 033603 (2004).
  32.  J.Cubizolles, T.Bourdel, S.Kokkelmans, G.V.Shlyapnikov, and C.Salomon
    Production of Long-Lived Ultracold Li2 Molecules from a Fermi Gas
    Phys. Rev. Lett 91, 240401 (2003).
  33.  T.Bourdel, J.Cubizolles, L.Khaykovich, K.M.F.Magalhães, S.Kokkelmans, G.V.Shlyapnikov, and C.Salomon
    Measurement of the Interaction Energy near a Feshbach Resonance in a 6Li Fermi Gas
    Phys. Rev. Lett 91, 020402 (2003).
  34.  L.Khaykovich, F.Schreck, G.Ferrari, T.Bourdel, J.Cubizolles, L.Carr, Y.Castin, and C.Salomon
    Formation of a Matter-Wave Bright Soliton
    Science 296, 1290 (2002).
  35.  F.Schreck, L.Khaykovich, K.L.Corwin, G.Ferrari, T.Bourdel, J.Cubizolles, and C.Salomon
    Quasipure Bose-Einstein Condensate Immersed in a Fermi Sea
    Phys. Rev. Lett 87, 080403 (2002).
Thesis, HDR
  • Thomas Bourdel; Gaz de Fermi en interaction forte, Du condensat de molécules aux paires de Cooper 
    PhD thesis, ENS; Paris (2004), (in French). 
  • Thomas Bourdel; Transition de phase superfluide dans les gaz de Bose 3D, 2D, et en présence de désordreHDR, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut optique (2013). 
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