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Photonique industrielle

The Industrial Photonics group was created on 01/01/2019. Its mission is to work on optical research projects with industry. The projects range from a few months (studies, internships) to several years (doctoral theses).  The group's research focuses on the design, manufacture and metrology of free-form optical systems, but it also collaborates with other research groups in the Charles Fabry Laboratory on projects that are further from its original expertise, such as optronics, image processing, polarimetric imaging and nanophotonics. The Industrial Photonics group also collaborates with the Laboratoire Hubert Curien, notably on the design of optical systems (Th. Lépine's team) and the modelling of light scattering by rough surfaces (M. Hébert's team).

The group is actively involved in the collaborative research activities of the FO-RS (Freeform Optics - Research & Solutions) association, which was set up in 2019 and of which IOGS is a co-founder. FO-RS brings together French academic and industrial organisations working on freeform optics.

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