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Thesis defense of Benjamin LE TEURNIER

  • Soutenance de Thèse
  • Evénement scientifique

Thesis defense of Benjamin LE TEURNIER, PhD student in the Imaging and Information group, on Tuesday 13 December 2022 at 10am in the Auditorium of the Institut d'Optique Graduate School in Palaiseau, on the topic: "Polarimetric imaging based on a microgrid sensor: characterization and detection of errors due to spatial fluctuations".

Abstract: "This thesis deals with the study of a recently developed polarimetric sensor that allows the analysis of the polarization state within a limited number of acquisitions. This sensor is able to carry out division of focal plane imaging (DoFP for ``Division of Focal Plane''). To do this, the different pixels of the sensor perform different analyses of the polarization state. This makes it possible to collect several different pieces of information on the polarization state within a single acquisition. These different pixels do not have exactly the same field of view on the scene, which leads the spatial fluctuations of the polarization state to disturb the estimation. The objective of this thesis is to characterize the influence of the spatial fluctuations of the scene on the estimation and to propose a method to detect the areas of the image where these fluctuations significantly perturb the estimation."

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